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L'exemplaire filmA fut reproduit grace A la g4nAro8it.i.ntfi ><4Lki» iSaVKii. f -TTi 1~ '.y^^' ^■Pl ^m [^p 1 B 'Ki ^^^^Kn?* ' ^'*!-* WBbi&t, Rpl^ ^ ^ W2>'iM^ 9 ' l|^4»r« * ^o '•■^•(wM |rc>.i«>>, i8 '^ ^ Wft: f T Fl t t >S as (9 # MMII ^9 tb€ Public. r issuing this httliB Iwndbook the publishers have two endi in view. The first, tomakemore^iradiBly known the undoubted merits of NABAt Balm as an ahnbft instantaneous relief lor incipient Catarrh, oommonly oalled Cold in the Head, — ^and a potUive eure for Catarrh in any of its staipes. if the direc- tions given axe carefully observed. As a proof that Nasal Balm is all we claim tra it we rei»oduoe a number of testiihonials, selected from among hundreds similar in otar poeBeuion. These testimonials fully substantiate all we claim for Nasal Balm, and we ask the reader to nve them a careful perusal, feeling convinced that if any have been sceptical as to the marvellous curative properties of Nasal Balm for Catarrhal affections, this feeling must give way to one of confidence and belief before the overwhelming mass of evidence from all parts of our wide Dominion. Our second object is to place in the hands of the readers of this little book a collection of useful knowledge and valuable recipes, not easily obtainable other- wiw, and which will be found of great practi^ value in every day life. The information conveyed in this little book is gathered from an hundred sources that do not usually come within the reach of the general reader, and there is no infor- mation conveyed that is not thughly reliable and i>ractical in its character. The EuUishers intend, from time to timoi to issue books similar in style and character, ut with an entirely new collection of information, and these, if carefully preserved, will famish an mcyclopeedia of knowledffe, which could not otherwise be obtained except by a hxgfe expenditure of time and money. It will therefore repay all into whose hands this handbook may fall to carefuUy preserve itiof future use. NASAt BALMASl A CUBE FOB CA^^BBJEt. Among all the illsto which flesh is heir there is none m6re widespread in its eharaotar, or more ifUsastrous in its effects than that terrible and disgusting disease Catabbh. All aifi alike subject to it ; the rich and the poor, the high and the low, the young, tlw old; from the cradle to the grave its terrible and blighting effects are felt. We think we are within the mark when we assert that fully seven- tenths of our population are a£Blicted with Catarrh in some of its many stnges. ^e climate of this continent is peculiarly favorable to th^ spread of this terrible i^Oiiotiim; the sudden changes from heat to cold, from dryness to moisture of atmoqphere are the great sources of nasal catarrh, and there are few who may hope to escape its terrible effects. Catarrh is t)ie inevitable result of Cold in thb Hkad ; from this the whole trouble arises. A cold in the head is followed by a thickening of the Btembranotts lining of the nasal passages, and a discharge from the head which speedily developes into Catarrh . The passages of the nose become stopped up ; the breathing be«>mes difficult, and the patient is continually hawking and spitthBjg up disagreeable and offensive matter. If a prompt treatment with NaSal Bahn is resortea to relief will be had ahnost instantly, and a few days will entirely remove the trouble. If, on the other hand, the disease is n^lected, cMsh day inakes It beoome more firmly seated and the ultimate cure more difficult. When nsglMted,. Oitarrh gradually extends to the brondhial tubes, the droppings fall into the lioiigl and this, coupled with the fact that every breath inhaled passes over the poisonoos sewetions, leads to consumption. Statistics of the most reliable nature mm 9^W ■"i-iA 2 Wasri Balm hag Many Imltatore bat no Equab; ^^^^"^^^S^^^^^^l^iM^^^^^ rafferar must not expect a cure kTSa JS?J fkf^ ^J^ l<»g itftudiiig, the «ie relief w&db wiilSiuoaSe^^L^ ^Jtl^J^'' ^^* ^*^^*» ^^* „«g^ «»,, oy ft steaay Md peraigtent use of Nasal Baui a«jm TME OMI&jy OF NASAL BALM. WM only tinpoiM iSSS iS^^^^h^Tf!T^^^ ^^ ^* ** suited, ind tE^aVSTw^lv foCS \S**^ »ad other j^mmb were con- imi«aienient mriffiofKffi ^^ r^HS^phftnge or detemined « * Ml|Nortl;o take mSUS^WoJm the oHdn^and oavtoe of the diaoaseT SSLtioafcLS^ Sf^,mffi!^>L^^°»«* mentoTin hie own oaae with catelSK o^^^S iLSM^CS^ iaid ejrperf- menthehad had at thrMrS%^S2?^^^rft*i^^ that guy remedy tBavdmaTdat^hm^^u^t^J^P^t^ Wm "XBwSnoSlSuTaSSS^^^ a^lotwtous in th|„ ' hoped for. An exteniive »eiiubiii:-T^ 1^1 Af m ».-^-v« :»*.*-■■ V ■ for SYMPTOMS OF CATARRE Some sifffu ^ which the reader map de- tect the pretence of a diseaee which will prwMy lead to oofuumption. Bo yoa hav6 hot flashes over your body? Do you have frequent fiH of mental depression ? I>o jrou experience ringing or buzzing noises in your ears ? Is your cough ever so violent as to cause vomiting? Do you feel as though you must suffo- cate when lying down ? Are you troubled with a hacking cough and genenral debility T Are your eyra geneialhr weak and watery and frequently inflamed ? Does your voice have a husky, thick sound Mkd nasal sort of twang ? Do you generally look pale and fre* queutfy have a slight fever ? Is your breath frequently offensive from some unacoountaole cause ? Have you a dull oppressive headache, generally located over the eyes 7 Do ypu notice a wheesiuff or crackling sound in ]rour chest when breathing \ Do Tou have to hawk and cough fre- quently in the effort to clear your tluoatr Are you losing your sense of smell and is your sense of taste becoming dull? Are you generally short of breath, and do you Dreathe with labor and difficulty? Doea your nose always feel stopped «p^ fofmng you to breame t^uough your noa^f ^ ' Do you fMquMfktiy feel diny, partiou* larly when stooping to pick anytmng off Hm floor! Does every little draught of aii and every slight change of temperature give you a cold? Are you annojed by a nBtant desire to hawk and spit out an endless quan- tity of phlegm ? Is there a dull pain in your chest be- hind the breast-bone, or under your shoulder-blade ? Are you always tired and indisposed to exertion, whether of business, work or amusemeoiit? Is neat ^ort required to keep your thoughts fixed upon matters that for- merly were easily peif ormed ? Do you rise from bed as tired and weak as you were the night before and feel as though you wanted to Ue there forever ? Is your throat filled with phlegm in the morning, which can onrjr be dis- ohaiged after violent coughing and hawking and spittinp- ? Do you find the t >>mpt to dislodge the acciunulaticms result in ooughingt hawking and spittin^^, follawed by nausea, and, often vomiting, espedally in the morning ? Do you occasionally wake from a troubled sleep with a start and feel as if you had just esm^ied a horrible death by choking ? Have you lost all interest in your diming or business or former pleasures, all ambition gone, and do you feel in- diffttent whetheif to-morrow finds you alive or dead ? Are you troubled with a discharge from the head into the throat, some- times watery and excessive, sometimes mucous, thick, sticking to whatever it touches, sometimes bloody, and newly always nutrid and offensive ? The above are soma of the many sym- toms by which Catarrh may be known. Flrobably not one case in a hundred will have them all, but every case will show more or less of these symptoms. The more of tiiem you have the mote serious your trouble^ snd the more urgent the neceasif^ for a speedy treat- ment with Nabaii Balm, and a constant use of it until a complete cure ii eflteted* :,'g8f mi* K m w^w^ww^^ * NacHd Balm requires no Instrament or IloBehe. OUR TESTIMONIALS are worthy of a yery careftil penuaL They tell of cores effected in many of the wont f omiB of Catarrh, and they represent the universal sentiment of f£ who have given Nasal Balm a trial. Among them will be found the names of many promfaient men whose testi- mony as to the wonderful cures of Nasal Bauc m their own eases proves beyond a doubt that the retnedy is all we olum for it. If vou are suffering from Catarrh or cold in the head, we aric you to give Nasal Balk a fair trial, wiiat nas Oitred others will cure you. DSMPSBT COBNKBS, AtLXSFORD, Kings Co., N.S., Oct. m^ 1887. Mb. C. ^ Cochran, Druggist, Kent- VILUL N. a. I enclose you $1.12 to cover postage wd pnce of two small bottles Nasal Bahn, which you willplease send by first mail. On Sept. 21 Igot two bottles from you, and it has done i^e more cood for catarrh than aU the other numwous and costly remedies and treatment I bad tned. I feel better now than I have ueve ^e two bottles I am now sending foriwll completely cure me. Iconside" Nasal Balm wortfi its weight in gold to any person rndtemg fromoatarrS. Wm. li. LUCAS. MWSBj^ FCLfOBD & Co., BbOOKTILLB, X 2!^'""'^ prominent dtisen of our Nasal^ Bahn. He had suffered for a ihyJl^l'^^iSA'fl!'!^!^^^^ idii^ktioni- days he mm entirely cured. W. B. fuixbrton. G<»Pe of the gioH. IVpJoMFww.— TWs Fever is due to the Dowels , It is imiM!nrfant, therefore, that the patient should be kept in bed. asany exerttJJ itself be tora throuji^ witb falal result. f5 thfawMouhesho^alnwayg use the I^-JS and urinal ; and when the bowels are mov^ £5 «>oni«'«>uld be tanmediately aired, and the bed^pan taken away at once, as It is from these discharges of tb^ bowels that the disease fa wnwtJines communicated to others. Inthe iSS^i *'.i^®^.^ cUscharges oare should be taken ^t they be not emptied in any place where they could possiblv contaminate dHnk- teJ!''i&J*7^***®.i'^'»*^»^«'*»oo»'8 have often been hifected hi that way. After cleansinff the bed^pan, use some of the following disin- feotants, and also pour some of itfdoMi the wat«Mdoeet:-Carbolio add, 4 ounces; cop- P^'^L * ounces, and water, 10 quarts. The mouth of the patient may be washed three or dissolving a teaspoonf ul of chlorate of potassa in a^ tumblerful of water. If the paSwt compWns of faintness, ohilUnees, or shows ?;£?• I?* ««'»wwtion. it is usual to give a mtle brandy in a wineglass of hot water, nutting ^ctra blankets^ on the bedraS ™S"**',!*'**^*«',5***»«W«^- The patient ordered ; and if too iU to ask lOr It, give it as SSSm 2Jii J" "**^ **..<*««»«** necessaiy. Should dettrium occur, the patient must not S?H .-4?"*» <*'JJS*»*^ V contradiction, and, as fto m possible, te kept free from exdtMnent Thegteatsst oaution shoidd be exerolswl in glvhigfoodtothetyphoid patient. Z^ '*w|^to ofttimwJoHw'^mistSJor te?^Si**!j*l»^*^ '^P*^ *°<> therefore the dlreojipns of the doctor m to tiie kind and quantitv of nourishment should be Implidtiy I2&?- /^» ^hen the patient is oonvaf- (weing, under no dreumstanoes, permit Mm rpcoa^until distinctiiy permittedTby the physl- SS».^*S !£» £***«r»*^» •• hrfore stal^, toiCw "**'^ *"■"*' •"'* ^***** ^fofCoughi, Coldt. Throat and Lung 3'roti&lM.~:%annumo I^^ certelnaxS JVoedy remedy. It Instantly reUeves coughs, VSZmt^aaSSSS^ »»* •"•y* »» lrrit«aon Md^tofiMMnation of ttiebroBOhlal tubes, and If"* "WW the formula of au experienoed fJ'Wjiia Who lor twwttySve years usSttS us dally nraollQe Mtli UBpamlMedsaooiMk I^^^^U ihonld be wlthSaiVb^iMC turn mmt. Bi to oi fp m be I? ac t f C K\ - ni« W«Bdmrftt VIrtVit of BalM* 84 Dalt Stbbkt, Otawa, I am i^eftsed to state that the NaiuJ Balm has already relieved my catarrh to a very great extent. I have not lued one botue, but the nauseous droppings from the head into the throat have al* most ceased. I breathe easy now 2 get better sleei^ and altoffether feel and ap- pre(»ate the wondeiral virtue of the ** Balm. " Its merits cannot possibly be exaggerated for catarrhal trouMes, and as a OUBB I believe it to be OINUINI. Tours, &C., UHoaiudtod for OAtAnrlL VmxB3iOBo\ Mt^y 14th, 18S7, Kasal Balm gives the most general satisfaction to consumers of any pre* Etf ation I evor handled. My sales are rge and the reports from those "^ho use it fully l9ubetMitiate your daims for the medicme as an unequalled roKiedy for catarrh and cold in the head. J. MaKEE, Mfg, A Dit, Chemitt, SvflteM §n Vhnm Ymws. Dipt, or Railways and Canals. Opsawa^ Map 7tk, 1887, Messrs. Fulford ft Oo.^ BrockviUe, Ont.,--Oents, I am very glad to j^ve you to-day the testimony that Nasal Balm* has completely cured my catarrh, from which I suffered for nearly three years. Yours very truly, Fbox W. B. ITbommon, J)ru9giH, OoitamALL, Ovm Onras;— Nasal Bafan has a good sale and proved beHefidal In ev«ry case 1 liave iieaMi of. C%idkif»*PMPk— A hMrmlMS but annoying dlsMMS. As it rcsembtos mcdifled Smallpox, or Varioloid, the doctor should be oaUed upon (o dsdde whkdi It Is. Keep the patient in the bonis, and other ohttdrea away teom him. JlfMliin.— An irregalar swellinf of any kind In the lower part of the abdomen may poMlbly be a rupture. If so, there will be pab, oomtlpaUon, and olteii vomitinff. Give no porgatlve mediolBes ; but send at onoe tor a Miydolan. for the soonmr the ruptnre Is reduosd the Better for the patient. JfeMlM.— TheroomihonMbe kepi dark to protect the taflauuned eves. As long as the fever rtmalns, the patient should be aeot in bed. Bxposnrs may cauae pQeanMmla« whioh, in other words, Is aoule inflammation of the lungs. Keep in the room as long as the oough lasts. JMnitna ^tta.— Fainting is caused by the blood leanng the brain. Place the patient flat, and allow the head to be lowertfianthe body. Sprinkle oold water in the faoe. Harts- horn may be held fMav the nose, not ton. A half teasJMKmtttl of aromatic spirits of am- monia, in a wineglass of water, will tend to revive the patient and prevent a return. Do not allow persons to erowd around the patient If the symptoms reeur, send for a phyilcisn. ScarM J^sm*.— Keep all who have never had the disease away from the honse. If possible send other Ohildrwi away. Do not klM the patient, and keep others ftom doing so. Baobing the body with Vaseline, or oU. wUl allay the itching. The patient should be^ept In bed until the skin has done peeUng. and In his room for two weeks longer, keep him awa/ from other members of the f amOy for a month from the bennning Of the disease. Avoid exposure to cold, and care- fully obey the phyHoiaa's orders. Diphthiria i» the result of blood ptrisoning. It begins like a oold, and Is attended with a ilightdifflvultv in swallowing, and a feeling it in all oases of Catarrh and Cold in the head and a speedy oare is mue to follow. FOr ** snuffles'* and fltoppMes of the Nasal passaffes in infants and ehudren there is no mnedy on earth to equal Nasal Balm, and as a precauttonarv measnre it should be kept in every household. U you cannot obtain Nasal Babn hom your dealer it will be sent post Kid on reotf pt off price (60 cents per small ttle, or 91.00 per laife bottle) on w! dressing FoiJoaD Ak Co., Bfoekville, Ont. FACTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS. Cftpaeity of Cletems. roa lACH TUT moHss nt dbpth. Twett^*flve feet in diameter holds. 8,059 gallons Twen^ feet in diameter holds 1.958 gallons Flftem feet in diameter holds. . . .1,101 gallons Foorteen feet in diameter holds. . 060 gallons Thirteen feet in diameter holds . . 827 gallons Twelve feet in diameter holds. ... 706 gallons Eleven feet in diameter holds. ... 682 gallons Ten feet In diameter hbanrd. A box 16 Inches square and 8 8-6 inches deep will cpntsin one bushd. A box 16 indies by 8 8-5 indies wide and 8 inches deep wilLoonkin hslf-a-biiShel. A box 8 inches by 8 2-6 indies square and 8 inches deep will contain one peck. Abox 8 in»|lll.lM~ 8 Time Is money, lose no time, beifin treatment no^. B«ftte tbe World. D. DSBBYSHIBK, pRESIDBMt OF THB Ontabio Gbeamkbt Assooiation Bays : —Nasal Balm, beats the world for ca- tarrh and cold in the head. In my own case it effected relief from the first appUcfttion. ftp««dy Mid XflMtiT*. T, H. MuNBOR, Pabbt Soukd says : Nasal Balm, has no eqraal as a remedy for cold in the head. It is both speedy and effective in its results. I Svldtnoe firom the Nortb-WMt •.J^\^' ^^^^f Maplk Cbbbk, N.-W. T. says t-Nasal Bahn has done my catarrh jfood, more than all the nu- merous remedies I had previously tried combiuied. I have improved so much that I believe one more bottle will com- pletely cure me. TbiB WoadMrtal M«dlola«. Mb. Thomas Boohb, Roohefobt, Ont., says :— I have suffered severely from catarrh, and never got any relief »nt»l I used Nasal Bi^ I never thought I could find so sure a cure. It M a pity all afflicted with catarrh do not know of and use this wonderful medicine. /^eJjt^ L TkiM. LvwiB BoiBnoK. Wtvali, OHt, tayi : —I reoonunend Nasal Balm highly to all who suffer from catarrh. JUImOv ValiM «f DIfliHrtat Foods forStook. 100 pousns OF eooD hat pob smok amm BQUASiVO: ABTICLIS. rOUMDB. Beets, white siloria.. Turnips 469 Bye straw 429 Oloverr, red- green..... ...873 Oarroti 871 Mangolds 8681 Fototoesykeptinpit 860 Ost straw 817 Potatoes. 860 Carrot leaves (tops) 185 Hay, English 100 Lnoeme 89 Clever, red, diy 88 Buckwhest 78i 0cm 62| Oats. Barley. Bye.:. 59 68 61 3 heat i , 44i OU cake, linseed... '.....'.. 48 Peas, dry.... 87) Beans. ^m* ..«t««.t« 28 UmnXL AJBMvmftt of MMMf • The following shows how easy it is to ae- oumulate a fortune, providing proper steps are taken. The tabis shows what would be the result at the end of fifty years by savlnfr a certain amount eaoh day and potting it at In- terest at the rate of six per cent.: BAHiT ■Avnres. vnaHuur. One cent $ 060 Ten ounts 9,{i04 Twenty cents. ; 19,006 Thirty oents 28,612 Forty cents 88,015 Fifty oents. 47,620 Sixty cents...; 67,024 Seventy cents 66,628 Eighty oents 76,082 Nlnetyoents.. 86,687 Onedollar 96,041 Five dollars... « 476,208 Heariy ^eveiy person wssrties enoufdi in twenty or thirty years, which, if saved and otretoUy invested. #onld make a family quite independent { bus the prlnoiple of small savings has been lost sli^t of In the gensval desire to beoom* wealtky. .469 .429 .878 .871 3681 860 I. .817 .860 .185 .100 . 89 . 88 . 784 . 6^ . 59 . 68 :^ . 48 . 87} . 28 AXIfl» Saved. MttUSJSNKXBA. MoNAnt,ov Ltons Head, Bbuob Co., Ont, tells the follow- ing^ reniArkable ezpenence:— I called upon a poor woman who was very siok. She had not left her bed for weeks. Her friends said she was dying of oon- sumptiou; indeed she was so low it seemed that it would be but a very short time until she would pass away. I looked around on her little children and resolved if possible to cure her, but how to do it was the question. I was well used to the different f onns of con- sumption and knew her trouble all came from the "head** and that her lungs were being doitro^ed by breath- ing the poisonous ^secretions into them. I came home praying that God would give me what waft wanted to cure her-« and he did in a strange way. A little boy came into the room where I was and wakited me to look at a star on a piece of paper. It proved to be an ad- vertisement ol Nasal Balm. I ordered it at once and it proved to be just what I wanted as to-da^ the woman's head is all right. She is able to do her own work and is gettinff strong very fast. This remarkable leasure for me to work for the suffering and praise the medioine that deoeryei it Lttqn, R 0., May 10, 1888^ MBS8B8. FULTOBD ft Oo. SiBS :— Tour Nasal Balm has already helped me wonderfully. I am satis- fied it is a good thing and alljrou claim for it. Tours truly, y^H. IaU^ Bow to Mtoasnre Com la Grib^ Biy TUs mis will apply to a erib otsnrslseor kind. Two onbio feet of good sound, dry com in ths ear will make a bushel of shelled omrn. To get, then, the quantity of shelled oorn in a crib of oorn m the ear, measure the length, breadth and height of the erib, inside oltha rail ; multiply toe length by the breadth, an! the product by the height ; then divide the Sroduct by two, and you have the number of ushels of shelled oom in the crib. To find the number of bushels of appleik potatoes, etc., in a bin, multiply the length, breadth and thiclcnees together, and this pro- duct by 8. and point off one figure in the pro- duct fur oecimals. To find the amount of hay In amow.allow 518cttbiofeetforaton, and it will come out very generally correct A VaIqaIiIo TiAlo for Oeoki, oto. 1 pound of Wheat Hour is equal to.; 1 quart 1 pound and 2 ounces of India Meal make 1 qrwt 1 pound of Soft Butter is equal to.. 1 quart ^tound and 2 ounces of BiBstBrown Sugar make 1 quart 1 poundandlounoeof powdered white Sugar fnvJce. .* 1 quart 1 pound of ^jkenlioat S«|(arlsequal to 1 quart 4 Large TaUespooiifuls make. ..... 4 gill 1 Oommon-aiaed Tiunbler holds. ..I pint i Common^(riied WineOlassisequaL. * gUl ITeaOup holds T.... 1 gUl ILarve Wine Glass holds 2 ounces. 1 Tablaipoontal is equal to i ounce. HOW TO HkliMOIIIZE COlflURS. The lady who would dress with taste, must have a knowledfe of the harm<»iy of oolount. How often have we all seen richly dressed people who presented a loud, vulgar appear* ance, and sunply because they had no taste for colours, and had choeen thoee which, while they looked well alone, were utterly in- harmonious. Oolours may form a combination either by contrast or analogy. When two remote shades of one colour are assodaled, such as a very light and a teiy dark blue, they harmonise oy contrast although the harmony may be neither striking nor ytt Crf ect When two colours which are sisular each other are grouped, such as orange and crioMon th«y harmonise by Muilcfy. A harmld and oardinaL Purple with maise, blue, gold, or gold colour (richX orange (ricbX black (heavy), white (cold), scarlet and while, scarlet, blue and orange, scarlet, blue, yellow and black. Red and white or gray, gold or gold colour, orange, green, yellow, or gold colour, and black, gold colour, black and ynlXa, Seal brown, gold and cardinaL Sapphire with bronie, old gold, cardinal, light blue, I^ht pink, com, garnet and mul- berry. Shaded blue and black. Scarlet and blue, slate colour, orange, blue and white, blue and yellow, black and white, blue, black, and yellow. Shaded blue and shaded garnet, shaded gold and black. White with cherry, crimson, brown, pink, scarlet, gold colour (poor), yellow with black, red, chestnut, or chocolate, white (poor), purple (agreeable), violet, lilac (weak), blue (cold), cardinal and peacock blue, crimson, piuple and crimson, purple, scarlet and blue, pink, maroon and light blue. Toilet Reoipes.^ To Somw TBI Sxur.— Mix half an ounce of Siroerine with half an ounce of alcohol, and d four ounces of rose-water. Shake well together and it is ready for use. This is a splendid remedy for chapped hands. PncTLBS OK THi Faob.— Wash the fiice in a Bolalion composed of one teaspoonful of car- bolic acid to a pint of water. This is an ex- cellent purifying lotion, and may be used on the most delicate skin. Be careful not to get any of it in the eyes as it wUl weaken them. OLiAimre Gk)iiDJiVBUiiaT.—Ctold ornaments may be kept bright and clean with soap and warm water, scrubbing them well with a soft nail brush. They may be dried in sawdust of box-wood. Imitation jewellery may be treated the same uray. To RsMovsFiUBCKiiis.— Bruise and squeese the Juice out of common chick-weed, and to thisjuice add three times its quantity of soft water. Bathe the skin with this for live or ten minutes morning and evening, and WMh afterwards with clean water. Elder flowers treated and applied exactly in the same man- ner as above. When the flowers are not to be had, the diitUled water from Ihem, whioh may be procured from any druggist, will answer the purpose. 12 Beftise all snbstttntes, take onljtlie genuine. ACOMPuerB CURB IN A wmw BOUBft. Peibolia, Ont. MxssBS. I*ULFORD k Co., Brookville. Gents :— Nasal Balm gave me the most perfect satisfaction of any medi- cine I ever used for cold in the head. I foimd it easy to use, quick in giving relief and effect a complete cure in a few hours. Isaac Waxbbican, Imperial OH Cfo*y, Worth Beooamimidliic. W. H. Gabel, Bebvib, Ont.. says r— I feel it my dutv to write to you and report the result of my using Nasal Balm. I have been a ^severe sofferer from that loathsome disease, catarrh, and tried several remedies, but got no relief till I purchased a bottle of Nasal Bahn. I used it according to directions and it has completely cured me. ^ I take great pleasure m recommending it to aU suffermg from catarrh who oome into my shop. OMMral BatiflflMStlosL Tweed, Ont., Marchn 2887, Mbbsbb. FULFOBD& Co., Gbntb :— I have sold Nasal Balm for the last two months. It has given general satisfaction, by its use a num- per were immediately relieved of cold in the head. Several oases of catarrh received veij much relief and the par- ties are oonudent of a cure. In no case have I had a single complaint. P. K. Newton, Druggist. WisrtliTlryliiic. Do not be discouraged because other remedies have failed you. Mb. Huoh Rtan says. For Gold in the Head and Catarrh, Nasal Balm is the best remedy 1 ever tried, and I have tried many. WoBdortaL "Mr. Jab. H. Love, Suumbrbbrbt, N.-W.T., says :— Your Nasal Balm has dcme me a wonderful amount of good. I believe another bottle will cure jno, Enclosed find $1,00 for same. To BiuTTTiFr TBI Haul — ^Take two ounces of olive oil, four ounces of eood bay rum, and one dram of the oil of Mmonds : mix and shake weU. This will daricen the hair. To Privint Hair Faluns Out.— Ammonia one ounce, rosemaiy one ounce, cantharides four drams, rose-water four ounces, glycerine one ounce. Just wet the head with cold water, then apply the mixture, rubbing Iriskly. CLiAimro SiLVnu-oFor clesainflr sUver, either artides of personal wear or those per> taininff to the toilet-table or dressinfroase^ there M nothing better than a spoonful of com- mon whitingr, carefully pounded so as to be without lumps, reduced to a paste with gin. Chappid Havss.— As oold weather is the usual cause for chapped hands, so the winter season brings with it a our* for them. A thorough washing in snow and soap will cure the worst case <» chapped hands, and leave them beanUfully soft. WmTRAMi) BsiiioAra Hawds.— Should yo« wish to make your hands white anddelicati^ you might wash them in milk and water for a day or two. On retirinsr to rest, rub them well over with some paun oil and put on a pidr of woollen gloves. pBOvionoN AeAiRBT Moths.— Dissolve two ounces of camphor in half a pint each of alcohol and spirits of turpentine; keep in a stone bottle and shake before usinr. Dip blotting paper In the liquid, and place in a a box wm the articles to oe preserved. Wash toa Ooiiriimoir.— A tesspoonfnl of the flower of siUphur and a wineglassfUl of Ume-water, well shaken and mixed; half a wineglass of slycerine and a wineglass of rose water. Bub ft on the face every night before going to bed. Shake well before unng. 'Scnr Dissasw.— Borado aoid has been used with great success as an external application in the treatment of vegetable parasitic diseases of the skin. A solution of a dram of the add to an ounce of water, or as much of the add as the water will take up, Is found to meet the requirements of the ease satisfactorily. The affected parts should be well bathed In the sdutlon twice a day and well rubbed. To Oliaw Rn>D Boors.— Mix a little white of e«g and ink in a bottle, so that theoompod- tlon may be well ahuttik up when required for use. Apply to the Ud with a pieoe of sponite and rub dry. The best thing to rub dfrv with Is the palm o( the hand, when the kid shows symptoms oi oradEfaig, rab In a law drops of sweet oil. Thesofesandhesls should be pdlriied with oonaon Maoking. r A fitir trial always brings satisfl^tory results. * 13 ■^ -I Popular P«opl« are invariably pleasant people. Popular remedies are also as invariably pleasant to use and certain in their restuts. Mr. John McGonnell, o£ Chesley, Ont, sa3rs : — ^Nasal Balm is a good medicine for cold in the head. It is a popular re- medy. In the Canae of Bomanity. MONTBXAIi, QUB. Mbsbbs. Fulpobo & Co., Bbockvills. GmrTB : — In the interest and cause of humanity I consider it my duty to testify to the excellent results I obtain- ed by the use of your Nasal Balm. Af- ter suffering several ^ean with that loathsome and distressing disease, ca- tarrh, a friend of mine whom I placed a great deal of confidence in, persuaded me to try a bottle of Nasal Balm, which I did, with such happy results that I am now pleased to have all such suffer- ers know it, and ^ou are at liberty to use this testimomal in any manner you wish, hoinng that it will be of as much benenttosome poor sufferer as it has been to me. P. GAUTUIER. Tte Wondora of Bolonoo. O. L. Potter, itANnFACTURER of WOODBNWABB, MoInTOBH'B MiLLB,OnT. ■ays :-^Nasal Balm oompleteljr cured me of a case of catarrh from which I had suffered for over ten years. It cannot be too highly recommended| and should be used by anyone troubled with catarrh It is one of the wonders of science. L AU TlMt la Clalnod fbr It. MoBBlBBUBOH, Ont., May SOiht 1888, MnSBBS. FULTOBD & Co., Obntb. — I have used Nasa? Balm for cold in the head with the most satisfac- tory results. It is all you claim for it, and its merit cannot too widely be made known. Yours, etc., B. A. BRECKENRIDOE, ^mtralAgnU Canada L^e for JSattem QntaHo» To ^moyii SuNivsir.— Talcs two drams of borax, on« dram of alum, ons dram ot cam- phor, half-an-ounoo ot sngar-oandy. and a pound of ox-gall. Mix and stir well for ten minutes, and stir it three or four times a fort- ni8:ht. when clear and transparent, strain through a blotting paper £>nd bottle for use. Dbt Shampoo.— Take a pint of alcohol, halt a pint of bay rum, and half an ounce of spiHto of ammonia, end one dtam of salts tartar. Shake well t<^cether, and it is ready for urn. Pour a quantity on the head, rub well with the palm of the hand. It will pro Hv. O. T. GOBSLC^Mail Olerk on C.P.R., says :— Nasal Balm is a bocm to all suffering from odd in the head. It gives relief rapidly and never faila to effect a speedy ourOi Worth ItflWolglit la Gold. 0. MoDoNALDu Skbpint RivbBi Alooica, sayst—X have used Nasiu Balmf or a bad case of oataxrh. and it has done me more good than all the rem- edies I ever tried before. It is worth it! weight in gold. A TMTolUr^ BsporloBAO. Mr. William LiAVira. representbg Messrs. Ames Holden ftOo., MontieiC states:— Nasal Balm is the best pre- paration on earth for catarrh, my own case being of the worst kind ; and after trying every remedy offered without re- lief| iwas mduced to try Nasal Bahn, which afforded immediate relief, llie tapid manner it relieves stoppage and d(^ghig of the nasAl passages, stops the droppinn of poisonous score t^ton from we head into the Uitoat* is iruly won- derfal, and should be known to every ■ufferer from oatarrh or oold in the heaoL lich OinttiMfie— misaltedbtitter, 1 lb.: Bur- gundy pitch, 2 OS8.; spirits of turpentine, 2 ozs.; red precipitate, pulverized, Uos8.;melt the pitch and add the butter, sturrmg well to- gether ; then remote from tne fire, and when a little cool add the spirits of turpentine, and lastly tSe precipitate, and stir until ooUL £SnipIe CuHfor Pihi—Vix one tablespoon of sulphur with half a pint of milk, to be ween everyday until favonwle sjrmptoms appear, and then oocaaionallv, as the case may require. The above is a cheap, simule, and most in* fallible cureforthat most painfuland unpleas- ant disorder. It hasbeen used with complete success in old and inveterate cuA where in- dividuals have spent scores of dollus in medical advice. It will injure none, and only requires a trial. By WaUr—1$MB salt and white vitriol, of each^ 1 tableQKMn ; heat them upon copper or earthen until diy ; the beatiiur drives off the acrid or biting water, called the water of erystallisation, making them much milder in their action ; now add them to soft water, ^ eint; putting in white sugar. 1 tablespoon ; lue i^triol, a piece the size of a common pea: If it should prove too strong In aiur case, add a little more soft water to a vial of it Apply It to the eyes 8 or 4 times daily. Ore$n MourOairi 5a{iw— Basin, 5 fba. ; Bur- gundy pitch, bees-wax and Mutton tallow, of each, i lb. ; oil of hemlock, balsam of flr, oil of origanum, oil of red oedar, and Venice turpen- tine, of each, 1 08.; oil of wormwood, ^oz.: trerobrris, very finely pulverised, 1 os.; melt the first articles t Nasal Balm Is especially good for children. 15 m en ▲ots Mkm A duurm. PoBT Hops, Ont. MXBSBS. FXJLFOBD ft GO. DlAB SiBS, — I was a sufferer from a lonor standing case of catarrh, and beingc well up in years (72) hardly expected to ever obtain anything that would give me material or permanent relief. At the time of receiving Nasal Balm I was very bad with catarrh, but take great pleasure in statinjgr that on the second application I obtained wonderful relief, and its effect was pleasant, soothing and helping. It acted like magic and is worth ten times its cost for the imme- diate relief it gives. I feel confident the second bottle will effect a permanent cure. I haverecommended Nasal Balm for cold in the head, and in everv case it acts like a charm. Yours truly, A ModMrn duum. Mb. John Fosteb, Ratmond, Ont., writes : — ^Nasal Balm acts like a charm for my catarrh. I have only used it a short time and now feel better than at any period duriiig the last seven years. In fact I am sure of a cure and at very small expense* A Or«at Bnfltoer Believed. There is no case of catarrh that Nasal Balm will ^not cure. Oharles Oilker, Grover Pointy says: — ^I have been a great sufferer from catarrh and have used other remedies for years, but one bottle of Nasal Balm did me more good than all other remedies. I feel confi- dent of a permanent cure. The Oplniea of ma ZneiirMiiee Hen. W. A. BoTLl, manager and secretary of the Miniota Farmers' Mutual In- furance Co., Beulah, Man., says : — My wife and myself have commenced the use of Nasal Balm for catarrh, and the benefit and comfort derived from it war- nmts a continuance of its use. It is superior to any other remedy we have tried. beins spread untit applied to the warm fleeh, yet if made anv softer it cannot be depended upon for any length of time, but as it is, it has been worn as a strengtiienlnf plaster, and remained on over a year. Tomato JiretoAttp.—Takeperfeotlyripetoma* toes, ^ bushel ; wash them clean and Sreak to pieces ; then put over the fire and let them come to a boil, and remove from the fire : when they are sufficiently cool to allow your hands in them, rub through a wire sieve ; and to what goes through, add salt, two teacups : allspice and doves, of each ground, one tea- cup ; best vinegar, 1 quart Put onto the flre again and cook one hour, stirring with great care to avoid burning. Bottle, and seal for use. If too thick when used, put in a little vinMrar. If they were very Juicy they may need boiling over an hour. Common Slack Jnifc.— Logwood chips, 1 lb.; boil in 1^ gals, of water till reduced to 2 qts.; pour off and repeat the boiling agiUn as be- fore ; mix the two waters, 1 gal. in all ; then add bichromate of potash; | oa. ; pmssiate of r>ta8h, I OS. ; prussiate of iron (prussian blue), oz. ; boil again about five minutes, and strain and bottle fornse. Tou will find none of the gumminess about this ink that is found in that made irom the extract of logwood ; yet it is not presumed that this will be as durable as the gall inks, for deeds, records, etc., but f or stmools and common use it is as good as the most costly inks. Rtd Ink—Th* Very Beti—Tak« an ounos vial and put into it a teaspoenful of aqua ammonia, gum ar«bio the size of 2 peas, and 6 grs. No. 40 carmine, and 5 grs. So. 0 or 8 carmine also ; fill up with soft water and it it soon ready for use. Indelible /nft—Nitrate of silver, 11 grs.: dissolve in In 80 grs. (or about a teaspoon) of water of ammonia ; in 86 grs^ (or 2( teaspoons) of rainwater, dissolve 20 grs. of gumarabio, When the gum is dissolved put into the same vial also 22 grs. of carbonate of soda (sal soda)L When all is well dissolved, mix both vials, or thei/ contents, and place the vial containing the mixture in a basin of water and boil for several minutes, or until a blaok com- pound is the result* Wnen cold It is ready for use. Have the linen or other goods starched and ironed, and perfectly dry ; then write with a quill pen. Molattee Candy and Pop-Corn BaUt— Candy —Equal quantities of brown sugar and molasses, and put them into a suitable kettle (copper is the best) and when it bMins to boll, skim it well, and strain it, or else pottr It through a fine wire sieve to free it of divers and sticks which are often found in the sugar ; then return it to the kettle and oontlnue to 'w^'i'rrmmtmm J ^ Tiwinedlatd Bitot Ez-Matob Robert Bowie, Bbook< viLLB. Ont., says :— I used Nanal Balm for a Dad case of catarrh, and it oared me after having ine£Fectually tried many other remeoues. It never fails to Eive immediate relief for cold in the ead. Bttt«r tluui Kedtoal Trafttmmit. Mallobttown, Ont. MeBSBB. FlTLFOBD & GO. Gents:— My daughter suffered for years from a most ofistressiug and an- noying catarrh. Her case was under the treatment of eminent physicians in the United States and Canada. Two months' use of Nasal Balm has had more beneficial effects than all former treatments combined. A. W.BiALLORY. Other B«modles Fall. Mr. John R. Wright, repreaentrng Messrs. Evans, Sons &; Mason, whole- sale druggiste, Montreal, says :- -Nasal Balm cured me of a long standing case of catarrh after many other remedies failing. ▲ BaUwmy Man*u Verdiot. G. T. R. FBEiaHT Dbpt., Brockville, Owt., Leo,, 1887, Mbbsrs. Fulford & Ck>. Gents:— A short treatment with Nasal Balm radically removed all symp- toms Of my catarrh. The preparation is pleasant and easy to use, and gives immediate and permanent relief. J. D. KENNEDY, Affmt, A FM!iiit of ConfldMiot. 6 Bbavbb Hall Squabb, Montbbal, QUB. Mbssbs. Fulfobd A; Oo. Gents :— Please send me two bottlec of Nasal Balm. I have nearly finished the small bottle sent It has done my oatarlrh more good than all the remedies I ever used, and I feel confident of a permanent cure. W. K. BARBER. boil, until, when you have dipped your hand in cold water and passed one or two fingers through the boiling candy and immediately back to the cold water, what adheres, when cold, will orush.iike diy esrg-shells, and does not adhere to the teeth when bitten^ When done^ pour it on a stone or , platter which has been greased, and as it gets cool begin to throw up the edges and work it by pulling on a hook or by the hand, until bright and glistening like gold ; the hands should have a little flour on them occasionally-; now keep the mass by a warm stove (if much Is made at one time) and draw it into stick size, occa- sionally rolling them to ke^p round, until all is pulled out and cold, then with shears clip a little upon them, at proper lengths for the sticks, and then will snap quickly while yet stiok will bend: no color, no abutter, no i^rr. or flavor is used or need be^ yet any oil CtQ bo used for flavoring, if desired, when poiured cut to cool.. Candy P»r/4etly White— U it is desired to have candy that is perfectly white, proceed as follows : Best coffee sugar, t| lbs. ; the nicest syrup, 1| pts.; boil very carefully, uutil when tried as above, it crisps like egg-sheHs, or flies like glass ; then draw and worir. upon the hook , tmtil very white. Jes Creamr—Freah. cream, i gal. ; rich milk, } gal. : white sugar, 1 lb. ; some do use as much as 2 Iba of sugar to the gallon, yet it leaves an unpleasant astringency in the throat after eating the cream. Dissolve the sugar in the mixtture, flavor with extract to suit your taste, or take the peel from a fresh lemon and steep one-half of ft in as little water as yon can, and add this— it makes the lemon flavor better than the extract— and no flavor will so universally please as the lemon ; keep the same propor- tion for any amount desired. The juice of strawberries or raspberries gives a beautiful color and flavor to ioe cream ; or about ^ oz. of ewence or extracts to a gallon, or to suit the taste. Have your ice well broken : 1 qt. s«lt to a bucket of ice. About half an hour's constant stirring and occasional scraping down and beating together will freeze it. Night StBeatt—To Relieve— kiter Agues, Fevers, eta, and in Consumption many pwsons ure troubled with " Night Sweats.^ They are caused by weakness or general debility. For their relief : take ess. of tansy, I OS.; alcohol, ^oz.; water, } oz., quinine, 16 S«.; muriatic aold, 80 drops ; mix. Dose— 1 aspoon in a gill of cold sage tei*^ It should be talcen two or vnree times dur- ing the day, and at bed time; and the cold sage tea should be used freely as a drink, also, until cured. It will even cure Amie, also, by repeating the above dose every hour, begin- ning twelfe to fifteen hours before the cbiU. -jTt a-, m Nothing on earth equals Nasal Balm, 17 , ■ Bow to Save Moaoy. Mb. E. H. MoGbea. of the Hudson Bay Co., West Lynne, Manitoba, says : — ^I suffer^ from catarrh for a number of years, and expended upwards of $200 emplo3ring ph]nsician8 and catarrh so- cialists, buying differen*^ remedies, in- halants, douches, etc., without obtain- ing IreUef. Your advertisOTtient in Toronto Mail induced me to invest fifty cents in Nasal Balm. I sent for a pack- age, and must say it was the best in- vestment I ever made. 'It gave me immediate relief, and in less than two weeks the droppings from the nasal fssages into my throat entirely ceased, would urgently advise all a£Sicted with catarrh to use Nasal Balm. Feel Like Anotber Person. Wm. Clark, baggage master, W. & A, Bailway, Annapolis, N. S., writes : — Please send me another bottle of Nasal Balm as my first bottle is gone, and I believe, had I used it according to in- structions, it would have cured me ; as it is I am very much better, in fact feel like another person. .it i SmlMumunliig- Why suffer the embarrassments aris- ing from catarrh when Nasal Balm will cure you? A, H. Dsbbt, Bannock- bum, Ont., says :— I received one pack- age of Nasal Balm, and from its use can h^hly recommend it for cold in the head and catarrh. It will effect a cure very quickly. PerfSiotly Cured. BLOOUFtBl«— Caitor, gentian, and valerian roots, bruised, ^ oz. ; laudanum, 1 oz. ; sulphuric ether, li ozs. ; alcohol, } pt ; water, 4 pt. ; put all into a hottle and let stand about 10 days. Dose— A teaspoon as often as re- quired, or 2 or 8 times daily. In-Oroufing Toe jB^oit— We take the follow- ing remedy for a very common Mid very pain- ful affliction, from the Botton Medical and Surgical JmirruU : •*The patient on whom I first tried this plan was a young lady who had been imable to put on a shoe for several months, aud decidely the worst I have ever seen. The edge of the nail wss deeply imdermined. the granulations formed a high ridge, partly covered with the skin ; and pus constantly oosed from the root of the naiL The whole toe was swollen and extremely painful and tender. My mode of proceeding was this : . „ . *'I put a very small piece of tallow in a spoon, and heated it until it become vetr hot. and poured it on the granulations. The effect was almost nuurioaL Pain and tenderness were at once rweved, and in a few days the granulations were all gone, the diseased parts dry and destitute of M feeUng, and the edm of the nail exposed so as to admit of being pared away without any inoonvenlencS, The cure was complete, and the trouble never returned. •* I have tried the plan repeatedly since, with the same satisfactory results. The opera- tion causes but little pain, if the tallow is pro- perly heated. A repetition in some oases might necessMry. sithough I have never met witti a case that did not yield to one appll- cation." ^ Egyptian Cure for Cholera.— Best J^uaka ginger root, bruised, 1 oa ; ci>^yenQe, 2 tei^ spoons : boll all in 1 qt. of water to ^pt. , and add loaf sugar to form a thick syrup. pose- One tablespoon every 16 minutes, until vomit- ing and purging ceases, then follow up with a blackberry tea. Nature'e ChoUra JTmUoJim.— Laudanum, si^rits of camphor, and tincture of rhubarb, equal pwrts of each. Dose -One tablespooa every 16 to 80 minutes, until relieved. Tetter, Eingteorm, and Barter's Itek-^To Cura.— Tkke the best Cubaeigars, smoks one a # VMls LllM a New XML Bellvillb, Omt^ Gknts :— I take great pleasure in re- commending your^asai Balm to any one troubled vdth that dreadful disease, catarrh. I have been troubled with it for the past fifteen years, and can say candidly that I never had anything that gave me half so much relief as your Nasal Bahn. I have only used two bottles and I feel like a new man. Yours, etc., A. E. FISH. A Nova SeotlMi's OpInloB. RoBBBT 0. Woodman, Dieby, N. S., writes as follows :— Enclosed find $1 for another large bottle of Nasal Balm which you will please send me by first mail The bottle I sent for some time ago benefited 'me very much more than any other preparation I ever tried. All Ton Claim for It. Tbebene, Man., Dee, SO, 1987, Gents ;— I am delighted to be in a position to sav that Nasal Balm is help- mg me wonderfully, although I have been usinff it but a very short time. It speedily cleared out the head and stop- ped the disagreeable droppings into the throat . For some time I nave suffered severely from catarrhal headache. Nasal Balm has removed eveiy trace oi it. I have every confidence in its completely curing me. It is deserving of all you claim for it : *'A Positive Cure for Ca- tarrh.^ Easy and Pleasant to use." I hope it will soon be for sale in every town and village in Manitoba. WM. H. SHARP. Aa 014 Man's Advtoo. Mr. Albx. Moore, Mechanics' Set- tlement, New Brunswick, says t— I am ((oing on 75 years of age, and had very ittle hopes of anything to relieve my catarrh. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised., I sent to you for a package. It has done me a great deal of good* I en- close yon $2 for a further supply, part ot whioh I ihtend giving to an afflicted friend. I advise ali sufferers from catarrh to use Nasal Balm. saffldent length ces - put into it a piece of the polish the size of a large pea ; more or less, according to the large or small washings. Or, thick gum solu- tion (made hy pouring boiling water upon gum arable), one tablespoon to a pint of starch, gives clothes a beautiful gloss. Polish for Reviving Old Fumiture.—Ttike alcohol. If OSS. : spirits of salts (muriatic acid), i OS. ; Unieed-oil, 8 ocs. ; best vinegar, ^ pt. ; and butter of anumony, 1} ozs. ; mix, putting in the vinegar last. It is an excellent reviver, maldng furniture look nearly equal to new, and realy giving a Bslish to new work, always shaking it as used, ut if you cannotjget the butter o! antimony, the following will be the next best thing: Take of 98 per cent, alcohol, ^ pt. ; pulverised resin and gum shellac, of each i oz. Letthese out in the alcohol ; then add linseed-oil, ^ pt. ; shake well, and apply with a sponge, brush, or cotton flannel, or any old newspaper, rubbing it well after the application, which gives a nice polish. Faded and Worn Oarmente—To Renew the Color.— To alcohol 1 at., add extract of log- wood, i lb. : loaf sugar, 2 ozs. ; blue vitriol,^ 02. ; heat gently until all are dissolved ; bottle foruse. Directions— To one pint of boiling water put three or four teaspoons of the mixture, and apply it to the garment with a clean brush ; wetting the fabric thoroughly ; let dry • then suds out well and dry again to prevent crocking ; brush with the nap to nve the poliih. This may be applied to mlks and woolen goods having colors ; but is most appli- cable to gentiemens^ apparel Balm of a Thousand Flov>eri.—Aa strange as it may seem, someof the most astonishingly named articles, are the most simple in their composition. Although thousands of dollars have been made out of the above named article. It is both cheap and simple : Deoaorised alcohol, 1 pt. ; nice white bar soap. 4 ozs. ; shave the soap when put in ; stand in a warm place until dissolved ; then add oil of citronella, 1 dr. ; and oils of neroli and rosemary, of each, ( dr. It is recommended as a general perfume ; but it is more particularly valuable to put a little of it into warm water,^wtth which to cleanse the teeth. Raxor-Strop P(m<^.— TSke the very finest superfine flour of emery and moisten it with sweet oil ; or you may moisten the surface of the stsop with the oil, then dust the flour of emery upon it, which is perhaps the best way. wmmmmmtm mmtmrnmrnm OiM Bottto Cured. Bknfbkw, Ont., May 7th, 1888. FULFOBD & Co., BrOOKVILLB. Gbnts, — I am glad to be able to testify to the excellent results of your Nasal Baku in my case. I used it for catarrh and (K>ld in the head, and find it far surperior to other remedies. One bottle cured me and I am very grateful for having heard of your preparation, and I urge Sill afflicted with caterrh to ^ve it a fair trial, and I am confident it will cure them. Yours truly, EDWARD SMITH. Cured KeaftieM, Caldwiu. Mills, Ont., May 7th, 1888, Mbssbs. FulI^rd & Co. Gents, — It gives me great pleasure to testify to the great merit of Ifasal Balm. I tried other remedies but got no relief. The disease had brought on partial deaf- ness. Tet two appucations of Nasal Balm gave me great relief and before the bottle was finished I was completely cured. Yours gratefully, SAMITEL BOLTON. The Beet Tblng In tbe Market. BiVEBsroE, Cal., April 30th, 1888. Gents,— I must say that Nasal Balm has done what you claim for it in^my case. I got a terrible cold coming here in December last which settled m my head and nose, and I could not get any- thing to do me good until I got your Nasal Balm, It has done its work quickly and well, and I have no hesita- tion in saying it is the best thing^in the market for catarrh or cold in the head. 4 Yours, etc., Naeal B»lm Vneqiudled. P. B. Maokahaba merchant tailor, Brockville, Ont., says ;— As an instant relief for Cold in the Head and CataiTh, Nasal Balm is une<}ualled. The effect is noticed as soon as it is used. NotUng else is needed. Tou must not take anv of the coarse flour, nothing but the finest will do. It Is often mixed with a litUe oil and much other stufE whioL is of no use. Weuhing FluiA-Saving Balf The Woih- Board Lakor-^ Sal-soda, 1 lb. ; stone lime, 1 lb. ; water,6qts.: boil a short |ime. stirring oc- casionally ; then let it settle and pour off the clear fluid into a stone J n«r and cork for use; soak your white olothes over niffht, in simple water, wring out, and soap wristbMids, col. lara, and dirty or stained places ; have your bailer half filled with water, and when at scalding heat, put in one common teacup of the fluid, stir and put in your clothes, and boil for half an hour ; then rub lightly through one suds only, rinsing well in the bluing water, atf usual, and aU is complete. Liquid Bluif^—For Clothes— M.ost of the bluing sold is poor stuff, leaving specks in the clothes. To avoid this : Take best Pruinian-blue, pnlv'^riBed, 1 oz.; oxalic add, also pulverised, jt ois. : scft water, 1 at. Mix. The acid dissolves the blue and holds it evenly in the water, so that specking will never take place. One or two tablespoons of it is suffldent for a tub of water, according to the sise of the tub. Cferman Erarive. or Yellow Soap—TtAlow and sal-soda, of eadi, 112 lbs.: resin, Mlbs.: iUmt lime, 28 lbs. ; pahn-oil, 8 lbs, ; soft water, 28 gads.; or/or email quantitiee, tallow and sal-soda, of each, 1 lb.; resin, 7 oz.; stone lime, 4 os. ; pabu-oU, 1 ox. ; soft water,l qt. Put soda, lime, and water in a kettle and boll, stirring well; then let it settle and pour off the lye. In another kettle, melt the tallo^v, resin and nslm-oil ; having It hot, the lye being boiling hot ; mhi altogetiier stining well, iin d the work is done. Tranr*^y^\iiU Soap—Tak^ nice yellow bar soap, 6 .jf..: . ut it thin aud put into a brass, tin, or c >^|>er k'^.^^A, witl-i alcohol, i^ gal. ; heat- ing pnviasliy tvae tAslo\' are, stirring until allis diteolvf)) 1 1 then iMld an ounce of sassafras essenov,, and stir until well mixed ; now pour into pansahout 1} inches deep and then cold, out into square bars, the length or width of the pan, as desired. This gives you a nice toilet soap for a trifling expense, and when f uUy dry it is very transparent, Windeor, or Toilet Soap— Oat some new, white bar soap Into thin sUces, melt it over a slow Are, and scent it with oil of caraway ; when perftotly dissolved, poulrit into a mould and let it remain a week, then out it into such siced squares as you may require. i', I 'f'.i •< mm ;<, I Rli''' Cold in the head is incipient Catarrh. 21 ▲ TwMity Tears' Case, Mr. John B. Babbt^ New Dublin, Ont., Bays:— I lu^vo Br;ffered severely fromOAtarrh fci' I'vent;' (20)^year8, at the request ol a tViea;' 1 tried Nasal Balm, one sm.'tll bottle gave me more relief th.:.n all vht. uomerous remedies I had trie ;1 I now feel like a new man and; have overy reu^on to believe the second botfie I a^in now using will com> pletely cure me. Cored in Twelve Bonn, Mr. J. Glanot SvAVft, late of the JamesSmart Mannfacturixig Co., Brock< ville, says :— Nasal Balm cannot be too highly recommended for Cold in the HeadQ in my case it fi;ave immediate reUef, and in twelve (12) hours compete- ly cured me^ I would recommena any one suffering from cold in the head to try Nasal Balm. AUSpeak WeUofit. BeaKTTOBD, May JSth, J887, Mebbbs. Fulfobd & Co. Gkntb, — ^Your Nanal Balm sells more rapidly than rmy other, preparation on the ny»^ '''< t, for catarrh and cold in the head. My customers all speak of it in the highest terms. Yours truly, FBED. H. YAPP. Chemist «m1 Druggist. Tbe Best IXver Habunoton, Jtm^ 5thy 1887. BxAB Sib, — ^I reoeivfeu the bottl<» '^f Nasal Balm I sent for and have Wn using it accordbig to directions. It is beyond doubt tlxe best remedy I ev^r twed. It helped me from the very first application and acts like a charm. I feel grateful for havinsr my attention called to your Nasal BiUm. Yours respectfully, BKagic Age Table. To ascertain any person's age viih tbe aid of this tableik request him to inform you in which column or columns his acre is contained ; add toget' w the flgn^'^ at the top of the columns in which his wd is to be found, and you have the secret IRius, supposinfc his ace to be seventeen, you find that number in the first and fifth columns : add the first figures of these two columns. Here is the magic table. 1 t 4 8 16 88 3 S 5 9 17 88 6 « 6 10 18 84 7 7 r 11 19 86 9 10 12 12 20 86 11 11 13 13 21 87 ]3 14 14 14 22 88 15 15 15 15 28 80 17 18 20 24 ,24 40 19 19 21 26 25 41 21 22 22 26 26 42 23 23 23 27 27 48 25 26 28 28 28 44 27 27 29 29 28 46 29 80 30 30 30 48 31 31 31 81 .u 47 S3 34 36 40 48 48 35 35 87 41 49 49 37 88 88 42 50 50 39 39 89 '43 61 61 41 48 44 44 52 62 43 43 -45 45 58 58 45 40 46 46 64 64 47 47 47 47 66 66 49 50 52 56 66 56 51 61 53 57 67 67 53 54 54 58 68 68 55 55 66 59 69 60 57 58 60 60 60 60 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 63 68 63 63 68 08 Boainess Law. It is not legally necessary to say on a note " for value received." A note drawn on Sunday is void. A note obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. If a note be lost or stolen, it does not re- ieaae the maker ; he must pay it. A note given by a minor is void. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. , , , Each individual in a partnership is respon- sible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compels no one to do impossi- bilities. '" f *!■ Miiia iAiiMta 22 Nothing on earth equals Nasal Balm. Reoommend it Strongly. Ottawa, June Srd^ 1887. Gentlemen,— I have used yourNASAL Balm for cold in the head and find it all ^ou have elaimed for it I take pleasure m strongly recommending it to all persons sucreriiig from catarrh, cold in the head, etc. Reapectfuily yours, CHAS. WALSH. It WIU Core. St. Fiebbe, March Ist^ 1380. Gents, — I got two bottles of your Nasal Balm through a friend, and it has benefited me wonderfully-, so much so that I think the last bottle will en- tirely cure me. Yours, &c.$ DONALD MoDONALD. Bad Instant Relief. Bbookville, May iUt^ 1888. Mbssbs. Fulfobd & Co. Gents, — It gives xne pleasure to testify to the great worth of Nasal Balm as an instantaneous relief and certain cure for cold in the head. I confess that before using it I was somewhat scepti- cal, but one trial convinced me that it is all vou claim for it. I had a severe cold in the head, accompanied by a dull, heavy headache. I was persuaded to try Nasal Balm, and to my astonish- ment I found relief and ooiud breathe more freely within ten minutes after the first application, and vdthin twenty-four hours every vestige of the cold had dis- appeared. I found it easy to use, plea- sant and agreeable, and Xfeel confident there is no case of cold in the head that Nasal Balm will not rapidly euro. Yours very truly. An agreement without consideration iHVoid. SigTQAtures made with a lead pencil are good in law. A receipt for money paid is not legally con- clusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be en- forced. A contract made with a minor is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. P08TAOS IULTI». LETTERS to any place in Canada or the United States, for each ^ oz. 8 cents Newfoundland, for each ^ oz. . . . . 5 " Great Britain, " .... 6 •' CityorDrop •• .... 1 " POST CARDS, Canada and thia United 8tate«; 1 " Great Britain 2 " BOOKS, Canada and the United State0nimit61b8.)foreaoh4oz. 1 " Great Britain, for each 2 oz 1 " NEWSPAPERS, Canada and the United States, for each 4 oz. . . . 1 " Great Britain, for each 4 oz 2 " PARCEL, Canada (Umit 6 lbs.), for eaoh4oz 3 " (Parcels to Manitoba must not exceed 2 Ibs^ 8 oz. when offline of 0. P. Railway. SAMPLES, not exceeding 4 oz., to any part of Canada, for each 4oz 1 •• United States, not exceeding 8 oz. 10 " Great Britain, not exceeding 8 oz., 2o. for flrsii oz., lo. for each ad- ditional oz. Fifth class matter, per OS 1 " Rasxivtratlon. Letter, Canada, each 2 " <* United States, each 6 *' " Oieat Britain, «• 5 •• Books^ " •* •• 6 " Parcels, Canada, " 6 " Samples, *• " 6 •• Foreign Pottaga Rates. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Enrpt, France, Gormanv, Gibraltar, Greece and Ionian Isles, Italy, Japan, MalU, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Kussla, Spun, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey— Letters 6o. every | oz. : Post Cards, 2c. each ; Newspapers, 2a each 4 oz. ; Books, lo. each 2 oz. ; Registration, fio. Australia, exc^t New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland— Letters 7o. each ^ os. ; Books, 8o. each 2 oz. New South Wales, Yiotoria, Queensland, New Zealand— Letters, 15o. each | oz. ; News. Sapers, 4o. each 4 os. ; Books, Qo. each 2 oz. ; Registration, ISo. r- e( w a( o\ B a( o< N fr f, b ct ni V I t p I 4 «i It it II II 11 ti II lowing testimonials from your own sex a careful perusal and you will be convinced. Mb. W. L. Malet, dealer in boots and shoes, Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Maley has been ai sufferer from catarrh for several vears, and has tried numerous so-called catarrh remedies, but none of them approach Nasal Balm in giving ?[uick and permanent relief. The effect rom using one bottle indicates that it will produce a permanent and entire cure. VMd For QiildMB. Oanso, N.S., May 16th, 1887. FULFORD&OO., BrOOKVILLB, O1NT8 : — I have used Nasal Balm on several occasions with the children for cold in the head, and always find it effects a rapid cure. Yours, truly, M. RAY. Tli« Xtmnal lUsnlt. MiLLBANK, Det^mber IStk, 1887, Oknts :— Enclosed find one dollar for which send me » package of your Nasal Balm. I have used one bottle and it hau done me a great deal of g(K>d. MRS. P. M. GILCHRIST. Feel a New Person. MusooTAH, Kansas, Ja^ 12thf *88. Messrs. Fulford & Co. Gbnts, — I am pleased to say your Nasal Balm has wonderfully helped me although I have not yet used one bottle. The numerous droppmg^s from the head into the throat have ceased, I breathe easier, sleep better, and altogether feel a new person. I am glad to offer my testimony ^ for the benefit of othci-d afflicted with catarrh. Yours respectfully, MARY J. LITTLE. laterestlBS to Ithuronts. Mr. Rob^t Laidlaw, Editor of THE Kingston Ifewa says :— Our babe was BO choked up she could hardly breathe. In fact at one time we feared that she would ohoke to death. Res* piration became more difficult every minute, for which we could get no re lief by the usual remedies formerly used. Having a bottle of Nasal Balm m the house my wife suggested trying it, and in twenty minutv^^s from the first appli- cation^ the child was sleeping and breathing easily, and in twenty-four hours not a sign ^of the trouble remain- ed. It is an invaluable remedy for children as well as grown people. f ■^ w II icted fects leled se of ireekd latis efol- nced. (■■-' '88. your adnie K)ttle. I head eathe r feel jr my )th('ra jE» )R OP babe ardly eared Res- )very 0 re uged. 1 the ) and tppli- and '-four nain* r for Three Dajra' Use. POBT Hope, Dee, J7thf 188S, SiBB, — My son, a lad of 16 years, has been troubled with catarrh for three years. He has taken fourteen bottles of two other catarrh remedies, besides doctor's medicine, without any ^ood being done. We heard of your !Nasal Balm and thought we would try it, and after three days' use the result was astonishing. I think, under God's bles- sing, it is the Greatest catarrh remedy in the world. Yours respectfully, M. H. PHILIP. ▲ Friend in Kec Miss Addib Howison, Brockville, Ont., says: — ^I had catarrh for vears, my head was stopped up, I could not breathe through my nostrils. My breath was very impure and continually so. Nothing I could get gave me any relief until using Nasal Balm. Prom the very first it gave me relief, and in a very short time nad removed the accu- mulations BO that I could breathe freely through the nostrUs. Its effect on my breath was truly, wonderful, purifying and removing every vestige of the un- pleasant odoFi which has never re- turned. Onred DeafneM. Delhi, Ont., July 8th, 1887. Mbsbss. Fulford & Co., Gents :— I have been troubled with catarrh and catarrhal deafness for the past seven years, and obtained no relief from other remedies I used. I was ad- vised to try Nasal Balm, ard have only used one small bottle, and have experi- enced the most beneficial results. I am sure it will effect a radical cure as it has entirely cured my deafness. and I would strongly recommend all who may be afllicted with any form of catarrh to ujie Nasal Balm. Yours truly, MRS. SIMPSON, IzuBtantaneons Relief. St. Thomas, Ont, May 8, 1SS8. Sirs : — I am happy to say I have found your Nasal Balm all I could wisli and all you recommend it. I had been suffering for several anonths with cold in the head and thought I was getting catarrh, but after using your Nasal Balm I had instantaneous relief, and in a few days was quite cured. I also wish to say my little girl has found the greatest relief in Nasal Balm, as whenever she takes cold she has freat difficulty in breathing through er nostrils. But now she flies at once to Balm and gets rapid relief. It is such a pleasant remeay and so easy to use I shall always recommend it^ and think every mother should keep it in the house for use for the little ones when they take cold in the head. Respectfully yours, MRS. WADSWORTH. A Snflisrer Hade Well. x^iss Jennie A. MoNatr, who de' votes much of her time to relieving buff- ering humanity, and from whom there appear? elsewhere a statement of a re- markable cure of catarrh, developing into consumption, writes as follows concerning another case :— Lion's Head, September SOth, 1887. Gents :— I would have written you sooner but was waiting to see the effects of the last bottle of Nasal Balm on the Eatient for whom I procured it. I am appy to say the girl is thoroughly cureo, and she had been a sufferer for ten years or more. Nasal Balm also cured a bad cold for me. I would like that every sufferer from catarrh should knoiv of your great remedy. li 26 Consumption is often neglected Catarrli, Beadaobe All Ck»ne. Skri»bnt River, N.S. April, 1888. GftNTSt— Aftet tisitijf yout Nasal Balm only three times I exiierienced great relief. It effectually removed the obstructions in the Nasal passages, made breathing easier, and my head- ache is all gone. There is nothiTig hke Nasal Balm for catarrh. Yours truly, CHARLOTTE McDON ALD. Gave Instant Belief. Mr. E. G. Hart, op Gananoque, says :— My child was suffering severely from cold in the head^ indeed to such an extent that breathing was difficult. One application of Nasal Balm gave inxtant relief, and in a short time made a jmrfect cure. roraLitaeOlri. Clover Hill, March 2nd, 1888. Gents:— -I have much pleasure in saying that your Nasal Balm has done more good for my little ^irl than any remeoy I have ever used. I believe Nasal Balm to be unequalled for catarrh. MRS. KENNEDY. Beally Wonderful. Serpent River, April fU)th, 1888. Dear Sirs:— The relief I received f rom vour Nasal Balm was wonderful. I had a severe cold in the head and nothing helped me till I took your Nasal Balm, which cured me at once. It is realy wonderful and I cannot praise it too highly. Yours respeofuUy, ^!^^ymvz So Mneli Good. CoHOES, N. Y., April S8th, 1888. Sirs:— I am happy to inform you that Nasal Balm has already afforded me vast relief. I have tried many other remedies but never found any that helped me until I tried Nasal Balm. I am delighted to have found a remedy at last that has done me so much good. Yours faithfully, ALEXANDRINA LUCIER. ▲ Feelitts of Gonfldenoe. Hampden, May 31st, 1887, Messrs. Fitlpord & Co., Sirs : — ^I have used one small bottle of Nasal Balm which my father got from you some time ago and feel that I am rapidly improving by its use. I en- close nfty cents for another bottle, as I have confidence that it will effect a per- fect cure, Yours truly. Js^^^yi^ ItAlwa^Gnres. Mrs. Mart Hioket. Matworth, says :— -Ihave used a fitty-cent bottle of Nasal Bahn which has aone me great good. I am now starting a second bottle which I am sure will cure me. Benefloua Besnlts. Little Mans, Que., Jan., 1887. FULFORD & Co., BhOOKVILLE. X have used two bottles of your Nasal Balm for catarrh with the most beneficial resulted ^ To anyone suffering with this most diHagreeable disease I can heartily recommend it as a radical cure. I cheerfuUy give you permission to use this if you desire it. RespeotfxUly yours, * •te 1, 1888, na you fforded y other Y that Balm, remedy I good. [ER. t,1887, bottle ler got L that I , len- le, as I it a per- ^ WORTH, i bottle ne great d bottle I., 1887, )£ your lie most uffering Lseaae I . radical miMion 'sA^ ^■M The profession endorse Nasal Balm. 27 The Best Catarrh Cure on Xarth. Bbookville, Jan, lOthj 1888, Mesbbs. Fulford & Co. GsNTLEHBN, — I havB had cnromo ca- tarrh for twenty years, and have in that time tried all the remedies I have heard of, but none of them appeared to do me any good. I used one SOc. bottle of your Nasal Balm which helped me won- derfully, and I believe if used a suffici- ent length of time it would effect a per- manent cure . I believe Nasal Balm to be the best catarrh cure on earth. Good For Babies. BUNVILLB May XOthf 1888. Gents i — I use your Nasal Balm in my ovm family, and find it by far the best remedy we can get. "When baby gets cold we rub his forehead and nose well at night, and in the momiog he is all right. Youra truly, A Ciire la the Worst Case, SCDBURY, Ont., May 5th, 1888, Mbssbs. Fulford k Co. Gents,— I may state that I have been affected with catarrh for seven or eight years, and it was attended bv conse- sequent symptoms such as foul breath, constant dropping into the throat, hawking and spittmg, partial deafness, ringinff m the ears, and sickening pain in the head directly over either eye. I have used powders and douches, but all to no effect the only result arising from the use of sudi was temporary relief followed by the usual symptoms in a more aggravated form. The results arising from the use of NasaUBalm are : sweet breath, stoppage of the drop- pings into the throat (consequently less hawking and spitting), clearness of hearing, and not once smce I began its use have I had i>ain in the head. In fact it is my opinio^ that » careful and persistent use of the " Balm ' will effect a cure in the wont cane of catarrh. Tours truly. Cuo^ MlSGEl2l2ANCOaS. «NTBBB8T RULES. To ftnd the IfUertit at Six per cent, for Montht. ])i;i,i-.Hultlply the principal by one-half the number of months, and point off two flfnires. iLiiUSTRATiON— What is the interest on $200 for four montlisT 200x8 (half the number of months)— 400 ; pointinir off two flgures gives $4, the interest To find tA$ InUrest for MofUhs and Dayt at Siteper cent. RoLi— Multiply the prinotpal by the num- ber of di^rs ; divide the firodaot by 6, and point oft one figure. . ItbUstaATioii— -What is the interest on $800 torSmonthsand 12daysT 8 montht«00daysT add the 12 days>Bl02 days. 800xl02>«90,400 20,400 4- 6=»8,400. Pointing off one figure gives IS.40, the interest To find th9 Interest at any oth$r Ba** than Si» per unt, RuiiB— First find the interest at 6 per cent., then multiply this interest by the required rate and divide by 6, which will be the interest required. Wfliir aooepting a draft, always state on the face of it where you wish it payable, and firovide funds to meet It tiie day before due. f for any reason you cannot raise money suffloient, write to the maker of the draft a coufdo of days before due, stating the amount you can pay and how you wish the balance arranged. In this way you will save your credit and a great deal of trouble and annoy aece to yourself and the maker of the draft. iiaaMhMililMiii dHMNMl 28 Tamarac, Nature's remedy for Co ttmmimmmtlm^ d Colds, |fc"''Mi\i TA.MA.RA. C FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF THROAT AND LUNG COMPLAINTS. /YNEDIGAL Boienoe hM demonstrated that amongf the exudations from ill- the different pines and spruces, Tamarac Gum staUds pre-eminently^ 11 at the head for the relief of Ooughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Oomplainja. There are cases OH ueedtd where consumptive patients have bean ordered 1)y their physicians tt tbw fme woods, and to sleep on a bed made of TamaraC boughs. Taken into ooosideration with the fact that the Indians have long kDo\m the curative properties of this Gum and that thgr are almost entirely free from p\dmonary complaints, prompted the proprietors of Tamarao Blix£r to a full investigation of this valuable natural gum, havmg the assistance of an cKperienoed practising physician, who had for years used preparations of Tamajftc successfully. They ilet to work with a view to perfecting a compound best suitednr the immec^te rehef and cure of CSoughs, Oolds and Throat and Lung Oompkttnts, and also (me that would reach an extreme as well as an ordinaiy case. This careful reseai^ resulted in the discovery of what is now known as • Tam- arao Dlixlr,*' which has in connection with Tamarao Gum, several valuable mgre- dientdtor the relief of all pulmonary complaiiats. in preparing this medicine the proprietors did not reach after the unattamable, by attempting to formulate some- thing^ ^hat would apply to a long list of complaints and diseases, but kept m view only the throat and lungs, and a pleasant remedy that could be used by old and young, weak and strong without harmful results following its use. In concen- trating the combinfed efforts on this particular, though prevalent line of com- plaints, may be attributed much of the now acknowledged success of * Tamarao Elixir," no medicine known equalling it for Throat and Lung Oomplamts. It is 80 prepared that the Tamarac Gum separates from the other ingrements, when taken into the throat, and forms a coating over the inflamed and imtated parts, inis coating being permeated with the medicinal and healing properties of the other ingredients, rekef is immodiate in cases of Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, etc. Price, 25 and 50 C^nts. Sold by all druggists. FULFORD & Co., Proprietors, Brockville, Ont. proprietoM of Tamarao BliZir having unbounded confidence in the merits of their Groat Naturo's Remedy, ask all who aro aflOicted with Coughs, Oolds, or pulmonary troubles to give it a caroful trial, feeling convinced that none but beneficial results will ensue, a careful peraual of the following testimonials is also requested. We might have given many more equally as strong, but o«r space is limited, and the following are suffioent to demonstrate that TaOdarao fJlixir is all that is claimed for it. ■*■■■ t. L I • WHwp AU XlM FallikL Captain Aiii|#0ie Dessaulien, of Coteau du Lao, Que., •■jp^>*|lfatlemen. it is impossible for me to speak t^i^lily of yourTAMABAo Elixib, I oontnMlMt a terrible cold, which settled on my lungs and could get nothing to relieve it though I tried many remedies. The doctors told me I was going iiito consumption, and my condition was so bad I despaired of fetting better ; when I heard of TAMAaAC Elixir got one bottle, and had relief from the first, and now thanks to its use I am again a well man, I hope my testimony will induce others to try your wonderful medicine. Untioimded Satttfaotion. M. C. Dickson, General Passenger Agent for the Erie and Huron B. R., says:— Tam ARAO 2Lixia is the best preparation I ever saw for Coughs and Colds. In my own case it relieved a very troublesome cough and hoarseness from the first dose, and one bottle completely cured me. Being pleasant to take, with its medicinal qualities, it will give un- bounded satisfaction to any one using it. A Wondertal MedloUie. Mr. Grover Howard, manager of C. P. R. transfer, Prescott, Ont, says ;— Tamarao EuxiR IS a wonderful medicine for Coughs and Hoarseness. Sensible Advloe. Hoard's Station^ Ont^ Oct M8tht 1887. Having suffered for along time from a very severe col**, from which I had lost my voice, being for several days choked up, for which I could get nothing to relieve me, I decided to try Tamarao Eiiina. The first doEO gave me immediate relief and one bottle completely cured me. I would advise any one suffering from coughs, oolds, throat and lung complaints to USeTAMAOAO EliIXlR, MRS. D, N. MoyAUOHTON. Greatly Fleased. Wm. H. Harrison, Belgrave, says :— I have used Tamarao ELixim, and am greatly pleased at the way it cured me of a bad eough, tn« first dose gave relief, uid before I had us«d the bottle I was entirly cured. Gladly Reeommend It. BeUevaie, C .«., July tSrd, 1887. Drar Sirs i—Having used your Tamarao Eluur, I bi% to say It cured me of a very troublesome cough when all other remedies failed, and I gladly recommend it to all suf- ferers. Yours respectfully, MRS. SARAH HINDS. The Unlvtreal Verdiot. Mr. John G. Edy, Maple Grove, Ont., says : —I highly recommend your Tamarao Elixir to all suiferiog from colds or bronchial afflic tions, having successfully used it in my own case. BIglily Beoommendc it. Wm. Moore, Grand Union Hotel, Clinton, Ont., says :-^I have used your Tamarao Elixir and it gave me great satisfaction, I can highly recommend it. All Bight Mew. Mr. N. Landry, engiaver, Montreal, says : —I have used TAMAaAO Elxir for sore throat, lung compliiints and coughs, I was so bad I could hardly speak, and am all right now, I can say honestly your Tamarao is the best preparation I ever used. Completely Restored. Geo. E. Golding, Milford, St. John K. B. . says :— I was so hoarse for four weeks that I could not speak above a whisper, one 26 cent bottle of Taramao Elixir completely restored my voioe, and I am as well as ever. I have re- commended it to others, alway^i with the luo. t favoiable results, Completely Cured, EoiUm's Comert, OtU., Aug. 6th, 1887. Drar Sirs:— I have used your Tamarao Elixir for coughs and colds, and I find it the best cough medicine I ever used, oue bottle completely cured me of m verv bad cough, I have also used your Nnsal Balm for Catarrh and believe it to bo the best medicine now before the public. Tours etc., H. K. EVKBETS. ^n* 30 Tamarac Elixir ingtantly cnres Deeply Grateful. MansonvilUt Que,, Jan. t7tht 1888. Althotigh I am as a rule strangely pre- Judioed against " Patent Medicines," I have, on the recommendation of the resident clergy- man here, commenced taking yom* Tamarao Elixir for a very distressing cough, with which I have heen afflicted for a long period, accompanied by a nasal dfflculty, and I am deeply grateful at being able to -state that before using one bottle my cough ban been greatly relieved and I now entertain hopes of a complete recovery. Nothing that ihave taken has had the same effect on me, and I have great pleasure in recommending it to others. JANE M. BARRT. PliysioUuis Failed. Mr. J. O. Steaoy, general merchant, of Escott, Ont., says :— I take great pleasure in recommending "Tamarao Euxit,** I suffered from a severe oough for awwm months, al- though I tried numerous remedloe, and was under the care of a phmdellMi tor some time, nothing relieved ma unnl I used ' ' Tamarao. '^ The first dose of "TyiARAo" seemed to do me more good than aa the medidne I had previously taken. TlHie bottles effected a perfect cure. Caanet be too Hiiclily Beoommended. Bayfield, Ont, Feb, 8rd, 1888, Your Tamarao Elixir being of such great benefit to me, 1 thought it my duty to let you know its effect in my case. I had a very bad cold and'wae so house I could scaroely speak ; when I got a bottle of Tamarao, one oose gave me great relief, and when I had finished the bottle I was completely cured. For colds, couarhs and hoarseness it cannot be too highly recommended. ELIZABETH A. J0HN80N. Cured a ftevere Oougli. Jas. H. OUmonr of T. OUmour ft Co., whole- sale grocers, Brockville, says :-I have used Tamarao Elixir for a severe Gold and Oough. whioh it immediately relieved and cured. The Bffeet MarveUons. WtH Sheffield, Qw., Jan. 16th, 1888. 1 have been suffering from * severe cold and cough foi some time, I tried several remedies inctudhig "Red Spmostr Qum," when I was inducjd to tnr yiish Uedioiiie on Earth. Alderman R. E. Eilbeck, Kingston, Ont., says :— Tamario Elixir is the best medicine on earth for Coughsand Colds. In my own case it produoe>l rapid and gratifyfaig results. I caught a Severe oM which it seemed impos- sible to break up, but continually became more thoroughly seated. Finally a hacking oough set in which troubled me day and night, causing soreness of the Lungs. Hearing your " Tamarao" highly recommended I procured a bottle : the first dose eased the Cough and one bottle cured me. It is a splendid prepara- tion, pleasant to the taste and should be kept in every house. What One Dose Did. Mr., Charles H. French, Brockville, Ont., states :— I was so hoarse I could not sneak above a whisper. The first dose restored uiy voice. For Hoarseness, Coughs and Colds it cannot be to highly reoonunended. A Honsehold Neoeeslty. Hiram Buker, lumber and cheese dealer, North Augusta, Ont., savs :— Tamarao Elixir is a wonderful medicine for Coughs and Colds, Throat and Lung Complaints. It is without doubt the best medicine I ever used and never fails to give immediate relief. We consider it a household ueoessily. fwmn H AU L0( Salv CGI Sole sent nu Jj N. giv^ rei brif pro woi wol !J^^i^*■.•i■.-^■"■J•JC<.■■■;^^' ,_..,i' mmmmmm «£ Magic ;■■- ;■■■ .0>.;'.., ve cures, Corns, Bunions, Warts. 3i Corn Salve A CERTAIN, SAFE, AND PAINLESS REMEDY FOR THE REMOVAL OF CORNS. All dealers Are anthorlseA to reftmd money for every 1»oz of Uaglo Com Salve wbioli does not give Sattiteotlon, when used aooording to dlreetlons. SHERE are hundreds of preparations for Corns, some j^t will relieve for a time, others that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundl^ are utterly worth* less. Persons have been known to spend from $1 to f^^th com specialties and not receive permanent relief. Temporary relief from a com seems good, but what has been looked for is something that would TAKE THEM OUT ROOT, SEED AND BRANCH, " never to como agsin." Hanson's Magic Com Salve will do it every time, in from two to four days without causing any pain, discomfort or injury to the tenderest foot. Having the ^largest patronage of any com medioine in tne world with the least advertising is the best proof of this. Sold everywhere at 15 and 25 cents per box. H not obtainable at your dealers sent by mail on receipt of pfijpe by addressing FUlFQRD & CO., Brookville, Sole Aoents for Canada. I- READ WHAT THE PEOPLE 8A\. We publish in a condensed form a few of the thousands of unsolicited testimo- nials we are continually receiving conceding Magic Com Salve. J. M. Btbvens, general merchant, Harvey, N. B., says :->-HAir80N's Maoio Corn Salvb gives ffeneral satisfaction. It is an unequalled reme^ tor removing corns. J. J. Hamna, boot and shoe dealer, Ux- bridge, Onl.^ savg :— In my own case I have proved Hanson's Maoio Corn Salvs to be worthy of my strongest reoommendation, and would urfte all aflElioted with corns to ((ive it a trial, feeling convinced it will not laii £hem. SAMUKiOnnRSON, Wicklow, N.B , writes :— Hanson's Maoio Corn 8alvb cured my wife of corns which had kept her at home for years, and which other remedies failed to remove. No one need sufTer from corns when there is such a remedy as this ic be had. Rsv. E. Alwari), pastor of the Baptist church, Petitcodiao, N. B., writes as follows: —I pronounce the Maoio Corn Salvr the best remedy for corns I have ever used and I have used many. I had three bad corns on my toes, one of fifteen years standing and they have all been removed by this grand salve. JoMATHA.^ Varoos, Laurel, P.O., says:— Hanson's Maoio Corn Salvb is all it isrecom- mended to be. The first box cured the corns on the person I bought it for, and the second cured another, and is wonderfully helping me; and my corns are of A^any years standing. I would highly recommend it to any one afllicted with corns, as a sure cure. • I tm 32 Magic €oru Salve removes •Sss D. P. RioPBL, Montreal, says:— I cannot re- commend Hansom's Maqio Corn Salvb too highly. It itt the best thintir I ever used. A friend of mine also used it with the same good results. Thomas Chapman, Portland, Ont., writes :— I had some of the worst corns imaginable, but a few applications of Hansom's Maoio CcaN Salve entirely removed them, and that without a trace of pain. It cannot be excelled and I gladly recommend it. CiiiMTON Moss, Niagara Falls, Ont., says :— Hanson's Maoio Corn Balvb cured my corns of many years' standing. It alsoreiaoved « mole from my face as luge as a five ctiht. piece without leaving a SMur or trace. It is a grand remedy. J. Harris, Belleville^; Out., says :— I have been troubled with CfMms since a boy, and tried all sorts of reme^||j| without avail, until I used Hanson's Ma^ Corn Salvb, which completely removed ^m in a few days. M. A. McLean, Postmaster, Spring Hill, P. Quo., says :— Hanson's Magio Corn Salvb has delighted everybody here who has used it. I have tried it myself, and found it all you claim. It removed my corns after all other remedies failed. John Walker, Walker's Point, Ont., says: —I suffered for more tiian twenty years with corns on one of my tOM, and for the past ten years have been lame with it, and not able to Eut my foot to the 'ground without pain. I ave tried all the com cures advertised, but got no good from them. I then tried Ham- son's Maoio Corn Salve, and in five days after trying it, not only the com, but all the superfluous callous skin came away, without pain or trouble, and I have no hesitation in saying that your Com Salve is the grandest remedy on earth for the removal of corns. This is no idle assertion but a truth which can easily be proved. W. J. Mbllish, Carville, Ont., says:— Hanson's Maoio Corn Salvb is the b«st remedy I know of. It will remove the most troublesome warts as well as corns. JohnK. Weir, Ea8ton'sCorner8,Ont.,8ay8:— Hansom's Maoio Corn Salve fills the bill every time, and never fails to remove the most troublesome corns. It is worth ten times its price. I can recommend it as all you claim for it. Jas Bowman, Postmaster, Almira, Ont.. pays:— I know nothing that equals Hanson's Maoic Corn Salve for corns. I have sold considerable, and it removes the wor»t. corns every time. In the cose of a lady who had tried many other remedies, your salve was the only thii^g tbat would remove her corns. Mrs. M. PATUAni)i,StoekweIl, Que., salt:— Two applications of Hahsoh's Maoio Corn Salve completely reinovedmy ooras, and now I can wear my shoes with j?gggfejr| once more. I will reconmiend it on eiHiiHHiUile occasion Samuel McCord, JKtt/KK, '^llt^ i—R^V' son's Maoio Corn Bai^M^^^UuA Is daimed for it, and a fifteen oM^mnc will remove the most troublesome coxyi, P. S. KiLBORNE, Postmaster, Wtnterburae, Ont., says : -Hanson's Maoio Corn Salve gives general satisfaction, and is the tiest remedy of the kind I know of. D. B. Shaw, shoe dealer, Wolfish, N. S., states :— Hanson's Maoio Corn Salve does all that is clavmed for it. Tried it myself with the best results. Westviae^ If. B. Aug. 17, 1887. Hansom'b Maoio Corn Salve ha& effected cures ia every case tried. M. McKAY. Mr. Luke White, postmaster, Margaree, Forks, N. S. Mrrites :— I have used Hanson's Corn Balvb and find it Just m recommended, in fact the like of it has never been known in this country. I have used Ha>:son's Maoio Corn Salve and I fiiidit a splendid corn killer. GEORGE THOMSON, Clyde. Xingtt^fn Village, King's Co,, N. S, GWTS,— If^Hir Corn Salve duly received, and I haihs Men iR'aiting to hear the result from diffwrent persons U8in|^ it and one and all pronotgace it *' Death on Corns," there is not a single exception, and I believe it to be supwior to any and all com preparations in the market. J. W. GRAVES, Postmaster, W. J. Mills, Mono Mills, Ont., says:-- Hamson's Maoio Corn Salve, removed a troublesome corn for me. * Toos. Zairtz, boot and shoe healer. Strath* roy, Ont., says:— I have tried Hanson's Maoio Corn Salve and in my own case it thoroughly removed the corn. Amelia McDonald, Cookstown, Ont., says : —Your Magic Corn Salve has helped me more than anything I have ever used. I will sound its praises abroad. E. Gelainas, Ifontreal, says :— I can recom- mend F ANSON'S Maoio Corn Salvb as the best in the world. F. X, Paquettb, Grocer, Montreal, states : —I was troubled for a long time with bad o )rn8, and after using your Hanson's Maoio Corn Salve for three days it entirely removed them, and I am glad to be able to certify to its general cxoeUence. il id MOW more. Bion imed |ove the rburne, Salvk le Iiest N. S., ioesall iriththe 1887. leffected KAY. Salvk Clyde. ved, and lit from and all 'e is not t to be tions in cuter. Bays :-- oved a Strath* anson'8 case it , aays : ed me I will recom- M the itaies : )h bad Maoio noved to its I api 1 % s ^i *«•- I! s J CO « 4a j ARNING NOTE. itation enjoved by NASAL BALM as a positive cur \SADAMD CmTABRH, has induced some unscrupulous persons, larket spurious imitationSi following the general style and ckage as closely as the counterfei^rs di^e, and are given id to NASAL BALM. Imitation is said to be the mmmummmtk NRHAL UEAFNES! ^ EVER.RosKeOLI Catarrh AL Heaoaoi PmefSOcfs, FULFDRD&Cy kBRQCKVILLE J fr*-' sinoereit^ flotterySplrhen it takef the form of putting op % paration for the dKse of d(»6^ving the puUio it b«oom«s i^ pOtitiTa and menace to pn^b heimi|, and too great OMtion oamiot be ez«PO thosie tronbMltrith CatsM in meing thilt thijr gft the genuine J^^^ BALM* Do NOT Bit DlillTBD UTTO TAKING OTRIB HtlPARATIOHS wKt ' Mv dealers will tell you All fbavdulbnt i ABl D4J(0li0Ul I ^''"fiPP'''' •^iliP ■A0M 4 ^ '..i^ ^"^si .*. _ • ., ^-" Cfef^ .iSS^ --if^-¥^' A .#'->'' illTIIlJ '^.MiU^TI: ri'l:ll:|Ti ■t!l;kk §r' J WILSON IWHIST W. :C. '^DE CHEIltfST; Ff JOeriAN DRliGGiST. GEO. RHVNAS CKplST. ^DERICH, mms 0#AR * ■\